Fundraising + Special Events
Check out our past events/fundraising and some other resources and tips for inspiration!
2023 Fair Trade Fair
Through the years of Hinsdale Central Microfinance, our mission has been to financially aid those in need. We were able to achieve this through the platform Kiva, which allowed us to loan money to aspiring entrepreneurs in third world countries.
However, our team wanted to further our connection with those we were assisting. So we ventured into fair trade, a process where underprivileged artisans are able to sell their goods in more affluent markets to make more sustainable wages. Eventually, we decided to invite fair trade vendors to sell their goods within the halls of our very own cafeteria, in an event we branded as the HC Microfinance Fair Trade Fair.
Featuring vendors from countries such as Guatemala, Kenya, and Bolivia, our fair provided them the opportunity to showcase their unique products to the people of Hinsdale and providing sustainable wages for the artisans while simultaneously supporting our own cause. The results? Over $7,500 in revenue for vendors, $3,000 raised for our own club, and 500 satisfied people. It's safe to say that the first HC Microfinance Fair Trade Fair was a great success.
2023 Guest Speaker
In early October, we welcomed Mr. Jonathan Butcher from Lacuna Cacao to Hinsdale Central to speak to our club in anticipation of the HC Microfinance Fair Trade Fair we had coming up. His company Lacuna Cacao has been doing a fantastic job supporting cacao farmers in Nicaragua for the past ten years with fair and sustainable wages.
At the event, Mr. Butcher discussed how Lacuna works with their farmers through direct-trade, which increases the value of the cacao in foreign markets-- nearly doubling the revenue of their farmers. They also are instrumental in helping educate the farmers on proper and more efficient techniques to again help raise revenue and create a more sustainable living.
Guest speakers can be incredibly powerful tools to help educate your clubs on microfinance and topics that are microfinance-adjacent, in this case fair trade. They are able to bring a perspective that you likely don't have, and we found that are club members were more passionate and had a greater understanding for both fair trade and microfinance following the event. It was an honor hosting Mr. Butcher and we are excited to continue to welcome guest speakers into the future!
More Tips
Other fundraisers we have done in the past few years include a ping-pong tournament fundraiser and a variety of restaurant fundraisers. Other clubs at our school have done wreath fundraisers and tree sapling fundraisers, two creative ideas.
In terms of restaurant fundraisers, they often don't raise a ton but can be very easy fundraisers. Chipotle is always a good options, and MOD Pizza and Chick-fil-a often do fundraisers too. Many local restaurants will be interested as well, so check around your town to see who would be willing to participate. On that note, tons of advertising is key; the more eyes (and wallets!), the better.